No one wants CLAIMS!
Not only are claims irritating, time and resource consuming, they also bring bad vibes between you and your client.
In short: CLAIMS are very costly – and certainly not sustainable.

To avoid claims, the communication with the supplier and understanding of production flow is essential, not being afraid of scrutinizing a product…

Not being part of the design process nor the production team it’s easier for me through fresh eyes to detect challenges in a product and act the devil’s lawyer.

Thanks to the long practice in the textile industry I grasp production challenges and see solutions. In addition, a broad experience in collaborating with technicians, laborer, designers in fashion and interior manufacturing.

The drive is to find solutions that make everyone around the table happy with both the process and the result.

It requires time and production insight – but it will repay in reducing the number of claims!

You can easily become blind at home! A pair of fresh eyes helps

My approach in your company could be:

  • Analysis of the company’s situation – as a whole or as selected areas.
  • Ideas or idea catalogue for what you can do and the achieved effect
  • Down-to-earth guidance and sparring for implementation

I provide eyes and broad experience from sustainable context, knowledge, industry, trend research as well as design method plus good portion of common sense!  With these tools, I can analyse where it is obvious for you to start the green transition. After the measures needed are selected impact and costs are carefully assessed.

Together we can implement the knowledge in your own design- and developing process, we can go through the process together, from a practical, functional point of view as always.

Goes without saying that the service is  tailored to your needs – do you want to start small, we start small…

Remember that we are building the road as we walk it.

Help to a green transition

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I’m listed in all 3 groups : Rådgivning (SMV:Grøn 2.0), Kompetenceudvikling og Kursus (SMV:Grønne Kompetencer)